The wheel

The wheel is a circular mechanical part that rotates around an axis. It can be considered a simple machine, and is part of the set called machine elements. It is one of the fundamental inventions in the History of the humanity (at the moment one of the most important inventions), by its great utility in the elaboration of pottery, and also in the terrestrial transport, like fundamental component of machines. The knowledge of its origin is lost in time, because nobody knows who the invention and its multiple uses have been essential in the development of human progress: Sumerians, Chinese, etc. The wheel of course is an invention of the roundest. This is one of those inventions that has benefited the whole of humanity, but they have no owner. The inventor of the wheel is not known, but the importance of the wheel is fundamental to the history of mankind. Aware of its importance, we will know a little more about its origin, something that is not always known as much as it should. The inventor of the wheel must have been a privileged mind. In the history of mankind many inventions have been produced and some of the most important are unknown. These anonymous people had great minds. Undoubtedly, they were distinguished from the rest by their ideas and their inventive or reflexive capacity, then perfected by themselves or other people. The wheel is a fundamental invention that has been perfected and that perhaps it is possible that with fire has been the protagonists of the history of humanity, it was a gigantic advance. The wheel in antiquity. The Sumerians, something demonstrated by archeology were those who developed the car with wheels around the year 3,500 a.C. This can be seen in "El Estandarte de Ur", a Sumerian work of art that consists of the incrustation of stones and other wood materials. It is a piece of value that was found in 1920 in the ancient city of Ur, where you can see some cars handled by soldiers and pulled by horses. It may seem impossible for a civilization to thrive without the application of the advantageous mechanics provided by this simple piece in the shape of a circle. The truth is that civilizations like the Aztecs or Incas could evolve without it. In 2003 they found in a marsh near Ljubliana (Slovenia), a wheel that was unearthed with its own axis that was dated on a date that would be of 3.100 a.C and measuring 72 centimeters in diameter and is made of wood. The wheel has endless applications. We can say that the wheel has had many uses in which the application has proven to be of great importance. The three fundamental fields were agriculture, transport and pottery, although it could also be seen as a crank to ascend the water buckets in the wells. In the Middle Ages, it was purified so that large mills, sawmills or foundries could be moved, taking advantage of the strength of the rivers.